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Preventing Caregiver Fatigue

An adult child and their senior parent look at adult day center and respite care options to provide a break for the adult caregiver.

Caregiving for an aging loved one is a rewarding role for you, but it can also be demanding. Providing for another person’s needs requires physical and emotional energy. A few tips for preventing caregiver fatigue include: Without considering these fatigue prevention strategies, the constant demand of caregiving can take its toll on your well-being. And […]

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What Are the 7 Stages of Lewy Body Dementia?

An older adult woman looking out the window with a serious expression

Lewy body dementia (LBD) is a complex form of dementia that can develop gradually. LBD affects one’s cognitive abilities, motor skills, behavior, and mood.  There are 7 stages of LBD. Recognizing and understanding these stages helps caregivers and medical professionals understand the severity of a person’s dementia and can help you provide the care, support, […]

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How to Prevent Frailty in Older Adults?

A group of adults doing tai chi outdoors.

As we grow older, our bodies tend to change and might not retain the same vigor and rejuvenating qualities they once did. It becomes increasingly important to dedicate time to exercising and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  Your level of physical activity and eating habits can significantly impact your body and may go a long way […]

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