Bentley Assisted Living at Branchville
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Is Short-Term Memory Loss a Disability?

A senior man resting on a pillow gazing outwards.

Short-term memory loss is a common cognitive impairment that can affect people of all ages. It’s often associated with Alzheimer’s and dementia but can also be a standalone condition.  Short-term memory loss is the inability to remember recent events or information. It can affect the acquisition, storage, or recall of information, making it difficult for […]

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What Are the 7 Stages of Alzheimer’s?

Image of a brain cut out from wood, with puzzle pieces laid around it.

Watching a loved one slip into dementia can be difficult and sad. From losing their glasses, forgetting your phone number, or getting lost in the city where they’ve lived forever, the decline can simultaneously feel slow and swift. While the progression of Alzheimer’s doesn’t always fall into clear boxes, there are 7 understood stages of […]

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How Social Connections Keep Seniors Healthy

A group of seniors hanging out and playing chess while enjoying some snacks.

When it comes to everyday life, having a community to support you can make a world of difference. The social connections seniors make are essential for their health. However, many older adults don’t have ways to make these connections.  Continue reading to learn more about how social connections help keep seniors healthy.  The Importance of […]

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