Bentley Assisted Living at Branchville
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Category: Dementia

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What to Not Say to Someone with Memory Loss

An older adult with memory loss looks solemnly out a window.

Navigating conversations with someone experiencing memory loss, whether due to conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, other dementias, or temporary cognitive impairments, requires a blend of compassion, patience, and awareness.  Memory loss can deeply affect a person’s sense of self and interactions with the world. As friends, family members, or caregivers, the way we communicate with those […]

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Does Assisted Living Include Care for Dementia?

An older woman with dementia holding hands and smiling at someone else

While Assisted Living helps community members in critical areas of their lives to maintain happiness and independence, it does not automatically include dementia care.  People with dementia and other cognitive impairments face specific challenges that make everyday life more difficult. Many Assisted Living communities do not offer specialized support for people with Alzheimer’s or dementia, […]

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