Bentley Assisted Living at Branchville
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How to Talk to Someone with Dementia

A senior with dementia smiles at their adult child who has come to visit them for tea and chat.

Effective communication can be both challenging and rewarding when caring for someone with dementia. When communication methods you’ve relied upon your whole life don’t work, it can be frustrating. Fortunately, the key to talking to someone with dementia is to practice patience, respect, and encouragement.  You can foster a meaningful relationship with someone with dementia […]

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What to Not Say to Someone with Memory Loss

An older adult with memory loss looks solemnly out a window.

Navigating conversations with someone experiencing memory loss, whether due to conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, other dementias, or temporary cognitive impairments, requires a blend of compassion, patience, and awareness.  Memory loss can deeply affect a person’s sense of self and interactions with the world. As friends, family members, or caregivers, the way we communicate with those […]

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What Are the 7 Stages of Lewy Body Dementia?

An older adult woman looking out the window with a serious expression

Lewy body dementia (LBD) is a complex form of dementia that can develop gradually. LBD affects one’s cognitive abilities, motor skills, behavior, and mood.  There are 7 stages of LBD. Recognizing and understanding these stages helps caregivers and medical professionals understand the severity of a person’s dementia and can help you provide the care, support, […]

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Driving Assessment for Seniors: Are You Safe on the Road?

Elderly woman smiling and waving from the driver's seat.

Driving is a crucial aspect of mobility and independence for seniors, allowing them to maintain an active lifestyle and access necessary services. However, with age-related changes in physical and cognitive abilities, driving can become more challenging. It is estimated that by 2030, there will be over 70 million older drivers on the roads in the […]

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Is Short-Term Memory Loss a Disability?

A senior man resting on a pillow gazing outwards.

Short-term memory loss is a common cognitive impairment that can affect people of all ages. It’s often associated with Alzheimer’s and dementia but can also be a standalone condition.  Short-term memory loss is the inability to remember recent events or information. It can affect the acquisition, storage, or recall of information, making it difficult for […]

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Making Friends as a Senior: How Assisted Living Can Help

Group of smiling seniors talking, while sitting on couch against the window in senior living community

Making friends as a senior is not always as easy as when you were younger. Social circles may change with time as friends and loved ones move away or pass on, leaving some seniors longing for companionship and connection.  Add other challenges, such as limited mobility, health issues, and reduced social opportunities, and it can […]

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How to Prevent Frailty in Older Adults?

A group of adults doing tai chi outdoors.

As we grow older, our bodies tend to change and might not retain the same vigor and rejuvenating qualities they once did. It becomes increasingly important to dedicate time to exercising and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  Your level of physical activity and eating habits can significantly impact your body and may go a long way […]

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What Are the 7 Stages of Alzheimer’s?

Image of a brain cut out from wood, with puzzle pieces laid around it.

Watching a loved one slip into dementia can be difficult and sad. From losing their glasses, forgetting your phone number, or getting lost in the city where they’ve lived forever, the decline can simultaneously feel slow and swift. While the progression of Alzheimer’s doesn’t always fall into clear boxes, there are 7 understood stages of […]

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